Forêt Vive Sugar Shack
Jean-Étienne Poirier, an amazing anthropologist, makes maple syrup with great skill.
Fortunately, I arrived well awake. As soon as we met, a ton of information came from his method to collect maple water, his way to calibrate his system so that the water transformed into syrup is a perfect 7°C higher than boiling water. Jean-Étienne explains how wood heating adds personality to his nectar, why he calibrates his system according to the atmospheric pressure, how he classifies his different batches which are tasted to great chefs, oenologists in order to describe the dominant flavors.
When I ask him what is in the stove of his wood stove, I am entitled to a eulogy imprinted with an enthusiasm on the virtues of the chaga, champion of mushrooms.
The benefits of chaga
This fungus helps to improve health and vitality. Rich in vitamin B, flavonoids, phenols, minerals and enzymes. So you say it’s gibberish, but chaga is the food that contains the most antioxidants (25%). Its high content of superoxide dismutase (an antioxidant enzyme) gives it a powerful action against the aging of the body. And like any superfood, it is nontoxic and has no side effects, which can be consumed by everyone, every day and at will. It is also a source of pantothenic acid, a vitamin essential to the well-being of the adrenal glands and digestive organs. source: Femme Actuelle
I went back to my studio with my photos but also richer of a new friend and a big chunk of chaga.

The programming is on the web site of the Imperial Bell
Orphelia, for the mouth and the eyes
Ophelia specializes in seafood, fish and dry aged steaks on site. Opened in June 2017, this restaurant has 102 seats. These places are separated into two sections, the tables / banquettes on the mezzanine and the bar counter. In both cases, you will be in a great environment.
Looking for a great place to listen to a jazz band? Consult the agenda of Clarendon.
The church, of Neo-Renaissance style, is the fourth in the history of Kamouraska. It was built from 1914 to 1916, partly on the walls of the previous burned in February 1914. Inside, there are remarkable silverware such as the font (1839), the lamp of the sanctuary (1840) and a organ cabinet shaped by Louis-Thomas Berlinguet dating from 1850. Saint Louis, King of France, is the patron saint of the parish probably in honor of Louis Aubert de Forillon, lord of Kamouraska from 1700 to 1713.
The Onondaga project is a project of the Pointe-au-Père Maritime Historical Site (SHMP), a museum located in Rimouski, Quebec, Canada, to convert HMCS Onondaga, a submarine of the Royal Canadian Navy, disarmed in June 2000. Launched by the Canadian War Museum (CWM) in 2000, the Onondaga conversion project was abandoned by the museum in 2002 due to a lack of funding. The SHMP, which has been interested in a museum submarine project since 2000, is conducting a feasibility study in 2003 demonstrating the potential for profitability of the project and acquired Onondaga in 2005.
In 2006, the SHMP began working with governments to finance the project and meet environmental requirements. It also identifies the submarine installation site, parallel to the Pointe-au-Père wharf. This choice entails an increase in installation costs, forcing the museum to reduce the concept of the exhibition and to develop a haulage method using a rail to reduce costs. The SHMP finally gets financial support from governments in early 2008.
Source: Wikipedia